Raine & Horne Kumeu - Hobsonville

Raine & Horne Kumeu - Hobsonville Blog


Real Estate - why choose lower fees

When you make the decision to sell your property you may think about a range of options.  At this point it is helpful to think about all the elements including fees and charges.

At Raine & Horne Kumeu - Hobsonville we have a lower fee structure which starts at 2.95% and further reduces to 1.95%. It also includes exclusive marketing options not available anywhere else and a very handy marketing rebate of up to $3,000 on any marketing upgrades you undertake. 

It is our way of supporting your real estate journey to ensure it is fair, transparent and adds significant value to you. 

Likewise, we are happy to negotiate our fee and costs at point of sale to ensure we are an active participant in the process.

If you are seeking more value for your real estate experience and would like to understand the value that is delivered to you, please call 

Graham McIntyre, Raine & Horne Kumeu - Hobsonville 

on 0276320421 or email [email protected] 

Country Living Realty Ltd t/a Raine & Horne Kumeu - Hobsonville Licensed REAA (2008)